~~~ How to Shop ~~~

Simply take note of the name of the item that you wanna purchase, email it to mo_jap@yahoo.com.sg, along with your own particulars, as shown below:

1) Your name

2) Contact no.

3) Name of item and quantity required

4) Delivery method: Meetup/Normal mail/Registered mail

5) Delivery address / Meetup venue

~~~ Methods of Delivery ~~~

Normal Mail : Additional $2
Registered Mail : Additional $4
Free delivery charges for purchases of $75 and above
Meetups possible, but at yours truly my convenience :)

~~~ Rules & Assurance ~~~

~ Once order is confirmed, payment would have to be made within 3 days through funds transfer to my bank a/c.

~ Appreciate if buyers would be kind enough to notify me upon successful transfer of funds.

~ In the event that your item is not available, the full sum would be refunded back to you.

~ There is no assurance as to how long you will have to wait for your item. It is estimated to be from at least a week to a month. But I can assure you will be notified of any longer than usual delays. Thus, if you are not willing to wait that long, you are still welcome to browse what I have in store :)

~ I strongly encourage all buyers to use registered mail, as I will not be responsible for anything lost through the normal mail. Of course, the safest and cheapest way is still through meetups.

~And lastly, goods sold are non-refundable or exchangeable

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Kawaii Bags @ $15.90 (Item no. 9)

Available stocks: 3 Champagne Gold, 2 Black, 1 Silver

This bag comes with a long strap to sling at the side too. Refer to 3rd and 4th photo.

~~~~~~~ Silver ~~~~~~~~

~~~~~ Champagne Gold ~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~ Black ~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~ Inside ~~~~~~~~

1 comment:

Stephine said...

Hi am insterested in the above item...do e-mail back to me at Stephine.xiumei@Gmail.com